As a part of the Interactive Bill MVP launch, weather data will be displayed and available to customers on the customer portal. Today customers are able to also access weather data via Apogee on their energy forecast and bill analysis webpages. Today Apogee utilizes a weather source called Aeris Weather - TECO is provided weather data from a nearby airport area (Tampa International Airport). The weather source for the Interactive Bill experience will be the Snowflake weather tool. This will result in displaying weather data to customers from two different sources.
The initial weather data source requirement cannot be met in the short term (alignment of the weather data source across applications), due to the large level of effort associated with adding a second weather data source in Apogee. In the short term, a disclaimer will be displayed to customers both on Apogee and the Interactive bill stating where the weather data is taken from. In the long term, the DAP team is working on determining all of the consumers of weather data at TECO, their current sources and what the enterprise source of truth with be.
Avertra: 24 hours total, Iteration 3 development & unit testing and Iteration 3 test execution